Saturday, April 08, 2006

That's a relief

B finally sucked me in with all her online quizzes. As anyone who's known me for a decade realises, I used to pride myself on my scariness, which is now all but dead. But, as the pic below shows, I still have a little bit left...

You Are a Little Scary

You've got a nice edge to you. Use it.


  1. Hey, I'm surprised you rated so scary!
    Watch out for these quizzes, they're somewhat addictive hehe
    I'd love to know who your celebrity style sister is!

  2. Turns out it's Gwen Stefani... I have no idea what that really means, since it was a bit hard to decide on what my choice of beach fashion would be, in the absence of a board shorts option.

  3. Apparently I am ***Scary*** and I even scare scary people sometimes!

    Perhaps it was because I chose blood red... just as an aside - I never though of 'flesh' as a colour before...
